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MSB 100th Round Celebration – Results

woot woot!


imageMonkey-Tail winner – Debbie G

image(2)Caseen Prize Pack – Pia L

image(1)Caseen Prize Pack- Jacqui L

ArtRage Winners are:

Mary K

Stephanie H

Ting-Ting G

Debbie B

Annika S

Brian F

Lawrence H

Christina C

Shelly M

Linda B

We give below everyone’s contributions to ART:


Not forgetting Memo’s video contribution:

Wow, what an awesome turn out for the competition.
Such a wonderful, diverse contribution from a wide range of artists.
What more could be expected with a theme like ‘Art’.
Just what is art exactly? Usually I’d go into huge explanation but I would not dare with such a word. If you create, you are an artist. This is exactly what was shown with every competitors entry for this competition. It’s always an honour to witness these creations first hand and to all the artists, I thank you for participating.

We would love to thank all the monkey participants…

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Monkey Juggle


Hands in the air for Jacqui’s first video made for Monkey Side Bars:

Our colourful monkey artist Jacqui has given the game lots of support throughout since playing.

We love your artwork Jacqui and so happy you monkey around with us twice a week.

Monkey love 😀

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VICE by Monkey Jacqui


If you are squeamish then look away now or look here,
the choice is yours 😀

Vice was the word we posted to Instagram last night, drawings are still coming in and they are all very vice.

Video created by our Monkey Jacqui
(AKA: @jacquisartist101)

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I love monkeysidebars!


If Monkey Sidebars were a movie, what might the storyline be?
Which genre would it win an award?
Round #75, April 27th, monkeys were challenged to our fourth contest of which they had to create a movie poster for the Best Film of 2014 – entitled Monkey Sides The Movie: (with their own personal title inserted here).

Congratulations to Jacqui
and runners-up Johnny and Stray.

Artist: Jacqui Lloyd - A suffering artist with a very late post :) Artist: Jacqui Lloyd – A suffering artist with a very late post 🙂

Big Top Films:And the Winner is… Jacqui Lloyd with 2001 space odyssey.
 Great idea and beautifully detailed drawing. Really lovely use of colors. Good comedy element. A striking and memorable image. Well done!

Runners Up…

Artist: Johnee Bee (Ref: a couple of graphics and my noggin. on iPad Mini with bamboo stylus in Sketch Club). Artist: Johnee Bee (Ref: a couple of graphics and my noggin. on iPad Mini with bamboo stylus in Sketch Club).

Big Top Films: A really lovely design and very strong image. Great comedy element to it…

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